1. CSR management and specific initiatives

The Group will promote the medium term management plan and achieve sustainable growth through aggressive management. In addition, in order to fulfill our social responsibilities and improve our corporate value, we will promote CSR management based on the following five items.

  • Comply with laws and regulations
  • Maintain high customer satisfaction by supplying excellent services and products
  • Maintain a good financial condition necessary for continuing corporate activities
  • Maintain good relationships with stakeholders
  • Promote the provision of environmentally friendly corporate activities, services and products

2. CSR management system

In order to promote CSR management, the following four items will be implemented in each fiscal year.

  • Create a CSR Operation Manual that integrates each management system
  • Implement internal audits considering each management system
  • Report the status of each department at the Executive Officers Meeting, verify it, and make corrections as appropriate
  • Verify results through management reviews and give instructions on management system improvement
    At the same time, review each management system